Assalamualaikum wbt.
Hanya beberapa bulan yang lepas Dr Mahathir dengan
sokongan padu orang-orang UMNO telah berusaha dengan
gigihnya untuk mengharamkan perkataan ‘Islam’ dari
digunakan oleh pertubuhan dan parti politik. Tetapi
pada malam Sabtu yang lepas, 5 Mei 2001, Dr Mahathir
telah merasmikan pembukaan perhimpunan agong sebuah
pertubuhan Kristian - “World Evangelical Christian
Fellowship.” Nampak sangat sikap permusuhan Dr
Mahathir dan orang-orang UMNO terhadap Islam. Dr
Mahathir begitu menentang perkataan ‘Islam’ digunakan
dalam menamakan pertubuhan tetapi dengan bangga telah
merasmikan pembukaan perhimpunan agong sebuah
pertubuhan yang menggunakan perkataan ‘Kristian’. Dan
apa pula implikasinya dari sudut agama Islam apabila
Dr Mahathir yang mengaku dirinya seorang Islam telah
merasmikan pembukaan perhimpunan agung sebuah
pertubuhan Kristian antarabangsa? Bukankah ‘World
Evangelical Christian Fellowship” itu salah satu dari
pertubuhan dakwah Kristian yang berusaha
mengkristiankan dunia ini?
Sifat Dr Mahathir yang anti Islam itu semakin ketara
demi hari. Masakan Dr Mahathir tidak sedar bahawa
“World Evangelical Christian Fellowship” adalah salah
satu pertubuhan Kristian yang mempunyai agenda dakwah
untuk mengkristiankan dunia ini. Tidakkah Dr Mahathir
sedar seseorang Islam itu boleh tergelincir akidah
dengan hanya berasa redha dengan orang-orang kafir
terus berada dalam keadaan kekafiran. Tetapi Dr
Mahathir nampaknya bukan sahaja redha dengan
orang-orang kafir terus berkeadaan kafir tetapi telah
merestui pula usaha golongan kafir dalam menyebarkan
kekafiran mereka itu.
Malangnya bagi Dr Mahathir ada di kalangan orang
Kristian yang membantah. Orang-orang Kristian yang
membantah itu menganggap pemimpin yang kejam lagi
zalim seperti Dr Mahathir tidak layak merasmikan acara
sebuah pertubuhan agama mereka. Malah kehadiran Dr
Mahathir dilihat sebagai telah mencemarkan majlis, dan
perasmian yang dilakukan oleh Dr Mahathir yang kejam
lagi zalim itu juga dianggap sebagai suatu penghinaan
kepada agama Kristian.
Berikut diforwardkan dari suatu
artikel bertajuk “ May God forgive us for our silence”
oleh An Ashamed Evangelical.
Penulis artikel tersebut, seorang Kristian, telah
meluahkan rasa kesal beliau terhadap tindakan National
Evangelical Kristian Fellowship, Malaysia yang telah
mengenepikan ajaran agama Kristian dalam mengundang Dr
Mahathir yang terbukti seorang pemimipin yang kejam
lagi zalim itu.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Monday May 7
May God forgive us for our silence
An Ashamed Evangelical
2:10pm, Mon: It is with deep disappointment that I
read that the National Evangelical Christian
Fellowship (NECF) invited Dr Mahathir Mohamad to open
the general assembly of the World Evangelical
Fellowship last Saturday night. So far NECF has chosen
to remain silent on the abuses of human rights in this
Maybe it thinks that as a religious body it is not
appropriate to comment on those matters. Or maybe it
doesn't want to offend the authorities so that it can
continue to hold rallies at stadiums and organise
world-class Christian events in the country.
But to invite someone who doesn't hesitate to use his
powers to silence those who oppose him, to open the
general assembly is an insult to the worldwide
evangelical community.
Human rights as evolved from the West are firmly
rooted in the biblical worldview. Reform after reform,
be it in the area of slavery, conditions in the
prisons, labour/employment, were all brought about by
Christians who were passionately convicted by the
biblical view of the dignity of a human being.
Therefore it is sad that a body that claims to be
evangelical chooses to be openly associated with
someone who treats another human being with contempt
if he/she disagrees or opposes him.
Perhaps NECF should be reminded of ‘The Grand Rapids
Report on Evangelism and Social Responsibility; An
Evangelical Commitment’ which states: "When the church
concludes that biblical faith or righteousness
requires it to take a public stand on some issue, then
it must obey God's Word and trust Him for the
What a Protestant pastor wrote when he was being
imprisoned in a concentration camp during World War II
should be a reminder to us Christians in this country.
"When they (the Nazis) came for the communists, I
didn't speak up because I was not a communists. When
they came for the Jews, I didn't speak up either
because I was not a Jew. When they came for the
Catholics, again I didn't speak up because I was a
Protestant. Then they came for me. By that time there
was no one to speak on my behalf."
It is time for us to speak up and trust God for the
consequences. May God forgive us for our appalling
silence thus far.